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FANXI has graduated from being a standard selection of boxes and bags to become an integral part of a store’s marketing and branding due to increased competition and the importance of social media.

With the Las Vegas jewelry trade shows starting in a week, now is the perfect time for jewelers to rethink their packaging schemes and visit some of the industry’s biggest players in the sector.


“Packaging has definitely become a huge selling point. Not only does the best packaging serve the most protection, but it serves as a reflection of your company’s image,” said Amanda Santoro, web specialist at Kassoy.

Packaging can be an added element of customization, which, Santoro said, “is an imperative tool to launching your products into an aggressively competitive market.”

National Jeweler spoke to Santoro, along with Montagne Custom Packaging President Anne Marie Montagne Shulman and Rocket President and CEO Mike Kaplan, about jewelry industry trends in packaging.

Here’s what they said was popular among their clients, which include both jewelers and jewelry brands.

1. Multi-purpose boxes.
Rather than single-style boxes, which only fit one type of jewelry, more clients are moving toward packaging that can fit numerous styles: one shell with different inserts so that it’s adaptable to inventory.

This allows businesses more versatility and means they don’t have to carry as many packaging styles or scramble to re-order when one style runs out.

2. Different materials.
Clients increasingly are looking for their packaging to be made using various materials now, and in particular velvet.

Many big names at Baselworld, like Gucci and Chanel, have used velvet displays of late, Shulman said, and the trend is trickling down.

It’s a luxurious look and also a good conduit for the use of color.

“If customers get an item in nice packaging, they’re more likely to keep it,” Shulman said. “It helps reinforce the sale for customers.”

She added that the velvet trend has seemingly moved beyond just packaging to include jewelry displays.

3. A focus on engagement ring boxes.
Today’s consumer is paying more attention to the box the engagement ring comes

2021年3月19日 15:38